The Spies of Sobeck

Want an interesting lesson in Egyptian history? With all of the richness of the land, time and people? Read Paul C. Doherty 's Egyptian mystery series ; trust me, you will be enthralled. You will also gasp and grimace in pain and disgust. You will, eventually, realize, understand and appreciate everything Doherty has just told you. Granted, The Spies of Sobeck , though the 7th book with Chief Judge Amerotke, is the first book I've read of his, but it has me wanting to read all of the others now! You don't need to read them in order, by the way. Set in the time of the Pharoah Queen Hatusu - 14th century B.C. - this is a thriller and a mystery, rich with the simple and divine details that made up the lands of Egypt. It begins with the death of a Medjay scout, followed by an attack on the Pharoah, and then the death of two others, all sinisterly gruesome enough to set the tone of the novel. Enter Lord Valu and Amerotke, the Eyes and Ears of the Pharoah and the Chief Judge of t...