Hello there!
City-dweller, swimmer, logophile, expeditioner, metal/classical music junkie, tea snob & career-technologist
I'm Sruthi, maintainer of this blog. This is probably the third or fourth manifestation of my blog (the others are now defunct) in 15 years or so. I've carried over a lot of baggage, i.e. posts, from those times but have tailored them according to what I'd like to present and preserve.

As I try to find my place within my own writing, that void in my brain that I'm attempting to fill, I intended to use this blog as my sounding board. However, other platforms managed to take precedence and my blog has now become a place where I only share "publicly consumable" things.
Anyway, this is my playgroud. I do a lot of things and learn several more. I'm a city-dweller - think metropoles, self-confessed luxury traveler, a bit of a food & drink snob (not to be mistaken with foodie, thank you), afficionado of tea, have a reverence for linguistics and words, am an Anglophile, tend towards classical music of all forms, and a specific set of metal sub-genres, and an engineer by profession (though it has been over a year since I've written any usable code!).
I hope this blog is interesting to you and provides some amusement and seed for thought! I've promised myself to get better at it.
Follow me:
My most used social platform because a picture does speak a thousand words, and the words help with it!
Goodreads: srutsam
I read a lot and Goodreads has served me well in tracking books, finding books, writing reviews, and all the great things that come with being a bibliophile!
Twitter: @srutsam
Not as active as I'd like to be but a platform I do share updates of my writing or interesting things on.
Medium: https://medium.com/@sruts.sam
As I experiment with blogging platforms, I've begun to use Medium with higher frequency in the past year for reading more than writing, though the latter is purely my own fault.
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