The Darker Instrumental
Sticking with my current phase of instrumental music, I was listening to one of Pandora stations - I forget which one though - and heard this darkish, strong, subtle music waft into my ears and I fell in love. It was Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - which I guessed to be the 'discarded' children of Eve from my limited knowledge of German and turns out I was close enough (it's translates to 'the exiled children of eve')! As soon as the song was done, I went on YouTube, found their YouTube playlist, which I created my own 'Darker Instrumental' playlist , and have been listening to it since. This was three days ago and I am hooked. They are wonderful! The music caters to my metal and classical preferences, and it just leaves me breathless every time! So, here are some of their compositions that have got me begging for more :) Cease to Breathe Catharsis The Serpent's Voice