Day 4: Lost in a Good Book

Day 4 : Favorite Book from a Favorite Series

I may have picked 'The Eyre Affair' had I not read through most of the series. The first book definitely remains the one that got my hooked onto the series but for literary purposes I love 'Lost in a Good Book' most.
Thursday Next (see here for my review of the series) is now married to Landen Park-Laine, lives in Swindon and is happily chasing after literary crimes, while dealing with stardom born from her having changed the ending of Jane Eyre (in the book, Jane actually goes off to India with her cousin, but Thursday's intervention - after killing her nemesis, Acheron Hades, which causes Bertha Rochester to die in the fire and Rochester to lose his eyesight and an arm - results in Jane returning to Thornfield and marrying Rochester), then coming to terms with Landen's eradication by a rogue member of the ChronoGuard who is working with the Goliath Corporation's Brik Schitt-Hawse, who is in the course of avenging the entrapment of his half-brother in Poe's The Raven.
I think I liked this book the most due to its vast allusions to literature. Like, Thursday's trial in Kafka's The Trial, her investigating of the sudden appearance of Shakespeare's Cardenio, joining JurisFiction - the policing agency within fiction whose meetings are held in Norland Park, learning the ropes of the BookWorld, apprenticing with a high-speed-driving-obsessed Miss Havisham. There're a bunch of other interesting characters too - Emperor Zhark, Yorrick Kane, The Cheshire Cat (Unitary Authority of Warrington Cat), and Granny Next - who cannot die until she has read the 10 most boring books.

It's a very well executed book, in terms of characters, writing, story-telling... If you love literature, and are familiar with it, you'll know why this book (and series) are currently trending on my 'favorites' list.


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