Day 3: Thursday Next

Day 3: My Favorite Series (current)

Since I'm currently on the track of, and because it is a pretty darned good series, I am going to say the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde.
Set in an alternate England, this is every book lover's dream come true, encompassing everything that is literature, British literature specifically, and all that is cool. You go into books, see how a book is constructed and projected to the reader, be read by a reader, drive with Mrs. Havisham, conduct help-groups for characters, jump between books, kill grammasites and mispeling vyrus, mark a minotaur with slapstick, die and be not-dead, trap Supreme Evil Beings in glass jars, make money killing zombies and vampires, travel through time, deal with snarky politicians and curb apocalypses by winning a Croquet Superhoop final, keep dodos as pets, experience mammoth migrations and be friends with neanderthals, meet cloned Shakespeares and Napoleans, bring Hamlet into the real world, be the bellman of JurisFiction - the policing agency within books, take on a multi-national corporation, Goliath, and still live to tell the tale, have a father who was eradicated, be your own Granny, and so forth.
Make sense? Probably not.
I love it. The Eyre Affair, the first of this brilliant series, had me hooked. I'm on the 5th book, currently, and penning my review (see here) of what I've read so far. I love the play on words, and people, and the general smooth flowing storyline, unless a ChronoGuard comes along... ;) So definitely, one of my favorite series.


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