Day 22: A Song I Listen To When I'm Sad

Main Theme from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by Hans Zimmer (2009)

I play video games, much to the astonishment and slight chagrin of most of my male friends, because they are interesting and keep my mind off the mundane things in life. I prefer strategic games or ones with a decent storyline to it. So, I suppose it's quite obvious, like several other obvious things, that I should like the Call of Duty series. The theme music in all of them are amazing, but this particular composition by Hans Zimmer caught my attention as I finished up the game and watched the credits roll in. I bought the CD soon after and found that I've listened to this theme in moments of sadness, when I've been upset and when I'm thinking and plotting of how to deal with it.

Mr. Zimmer doles out beautiful themes every single time and this is no exception. It's serious, sensitive and apt for the theme of a war game and I love it! It doesn't make me cry, but it goes so well with those moments when my heart wrenches in pain and my throat locks up with unspent emotions.


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